JayZ puts an “i” in HP

JayZ puts an “i” in HP

This ad is hip, hip-hop to be precise. I rewinded and watched it three times. The graphics are mesmorizing. The voiceover is so well done. It made me want to run out and by one.

Compare that with the latest Apple vs. PC campaign. Apple is just replaying the same old page from it’s playbook. (PCs get virus’s, PCS are hard-to-use, PCs are stupid) It just makes Apple look petty and juvenile.

You can’t build a brand that focuses on why everyone else sucks. You need give them a reason to pay more to choose you. There is one “i” at Apple that gets it. Maybe the guys at creative team for iPod should be making the commercials from now on.

Let’s get your to-do list done and build some brand love.