03 Dec Do photographers need branding?
Some photographers are pro-branding, agnostic or anti-branding.
This is what I find startling though. Photographers are story-tellers. A picture is worth a thousand words right? Our clients are looking to us to create images enhance our businesses, our lives. Whether the photos end up in a magazine, photo album or art gallery they become part of the visual language that represents the event, moment in time or organization. In essence, photographers create images that help define brands.
So do photographers need to develop a brand? Well, the only answer is yes, because “you can’t not communicate.” thx @sethgodin. There are no fence sitters.
Either you take an active role in shaping your brand, or the market will do it for you.
Came across this article, via @billyates. http://www.aphotoeditor.com/2009/12/02/photographer-branding/